Thursday, September 11, 2014


What do I believe in?
I believe in the power of choice and that we have our own free will. That we have the ability to change our own lives and have the courage to do so. I believe we can make a difference in the world around us, and the ability to reach out to someone else and change there world. I have the ability to change the person beside me, across the street or even in a completely different continent.

I believe I am a person who is constantly changing and adjusting myself to live a happier life. I am learning each day, and giving myself more and more experience. Even when I am at home relaxing I am learning by reviewing what I have done and how its good to stop and stay still.

I believe that as a nation we could do better, if we all look at what is given to us and understand what it implies we will do a world of good. If we stop focusing on us as a nation and where we wont our land to be like, we need to stop focusing internally on foreign affairs. I know we are the world's police, but we need to better our country before it loses sight of what made it the land of the Free.

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